Lauren’s father told police that he had not spoken to his daughter in years and that her mother died when she was 13. He said that he never cared for her husband and that he believes “Dan pulled Lauren away from the family.”
One of Lauren’s sisters told police that she had not spoken to Lauren in six years and that she, too, believes “Dan pulled Lauren away from the family.” She told police that Lauren and her husband both suffered from mental illness and that they “fed off of each other.” She said her sister was deemed “Apostasy” for speaking out against the JWs and leaving the organization.
Sometimes my heart wells up with so much despair that it hurts to just beat. Lauren's father and sister sound almost GLAD about what happened. I'll bet Lauren knew that they would react this way, too. The top reason for people taking their own lives is when they believe their existence is doing their family/loved ones a disservice and that those around them would be better off without them.
To Lauren's father and sister: you have BLOOD on your hands. Your sociopathic approach to kinship was undoubtedly a driving force behind this heinous tragedy.